
Thursday, October 11, 2012

"Just Because" Tag

About a week ago I was tagged by Elizabeth at The Country Handmaiden with the "Just Because" tag. My answers are as follows:

1. Coffee or tea?
I really enjoy mocha frappes and the like, but I am still inclined to choose tea. It is so old fashioned and sophisticated!

2. You win a thousand dollars! What would be something fun that you do with it?
This is hard...I would definitely have to pray about it. On first inclination, though, I think I would spend it on a nice vacation to the beach or mountains. Or, I might put it towards my own car.

3. You're given the opportunity for the lead part in a play. Would you take it?
Well, it depends entirely on the play, but assuming it is suitable I would definitely take the lead part. Several years ago, this would have been out of the question for me, but I have learned to love acting.

4. Would you rather sing, play an instrument, or listen?
This is hard for me. I love simply listening, but at the same time I would like to sing and play an instrument. I may have to leave this one unresolved and say that sometimes I would play and sing, and other I would just listen!

5. Are you more of a chit-chat person? Or sporty?
If I have to choose between the two, I am definitely a chit-chat person (although I certainly don't fit perfectly in that category). I despise playing most sports, unless it is with close friends (even then I am picky). 

6. Did you ever have an unrealistic dream as a child? If so, what was it?
Oh my, this question brings back so many memories, and I could fill up a book with all of my dreams as a child. I must say I have always been quite an entrepreneur, so dreams go along with my personality! Two of the most unrealistic dreams I had when I was a child were 1) I was going to save up enough money to build an aquarium that had loads of exotic fish and whales with my cousin and 2) (with the same cousin) I was going to have a submarine one day. We used to study all of the parts of submarines, and draw plans for the submarine we would own. We also drew plans of the aquarium! Good times......good times!

7. Have you fulfilled any of the dreams you had as a child? If so, what were they?
I am thankful to be able to answer in the affirmative! I used to tell everyone I was going to live on a farm and be a farmer when I grew up. I had diverse dreams, right? Anyway, a year ago we moved to this land, and while we aren't full scale farmers, the Lord has certainly given me this dream.

8. What's that one place in the world that you've always wanted to visit?
I am going to cheat and say Europe! There is not one particular place in Europe, for I would have too hard a time deciding, so I should like to visit ALL of Europe. In reality, I would like to travel the entire world someday, if it is the Lord's will.

9. What book character do you always find yourself imitating?
I am going to skip this one, as I do not wish to find myself imitating any book character, but only Christ. However, I do find that I take on some of the characteristics of the main character of whatever book I happen to be reading at the time. This is why it is so vitally important to regulate what books are read!

10. What's your favorite season? Why?
I have learned to appreciate all of the seasons God blesses us with, but I think my favorite is autumn. The coziness and celebratory nature of the season is heartwarming.

11. What are some of your favorite blogs to read?
There are many blogs I enjoy, but I guess several would be Doug's Blog, Aspiring Homemaker, Visionary Daughters, Morton Clan, Country Handmaiden, and Homestead Blessings. There are many more wonderful blogs.

12. How long have you been blogging?
Since December 2011! I can't believe its been almost a year!

Well, that's all for now! I hope you enjoyed. Please answer one of these questions in the comment section.....I would love to hear from you!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading your answers. I would also like to visit Europe. I hope you would like to answer some more questions because I award you

