
Sunday, September 23, 2012


About a month ago we adopted a dog from the animal shelter. He is massive and quite strong, so we decided to call him Samson. He is 2-4 years old (they didn't know his exact age, of course) and such a sweetheart. He was obviously allowed to get away with whatever he wanted wherever he lived before, but an unmanageable 90 pound dog is not an option, so we are training him. He is really a good boy simply in need of some fine-tuning. We installed an underground fence around the entire five acres, so he can run free and do what he loves most - chase squirrels. Yes, that is the sole occupation of his time and energy, which happens to be most unfortunate for the squirrels. Here are some pictures of him:

I am trying to think of a middle name for him...I always have a plethora of names when I don't need them, and then when the time comes that they may be useful, they are nowhere to be found! Do you have any suggestions?


  1. He's beautiful!! Do you know what kind of dog he is?

    1. He is a German Shephard mix, although he looks to be primarily German Shephard.

      Thanks for visiting Hopeful Homemaker!


  2. He is so adorable! I can totally relate to the squirrel issue. Our squirrels definitely suffer with Scout around. He likes hunting little animals, and has brought squirrels, possums, raccoons, and all sorts of things to my brother before. I'll bet you are having fun with him, and hooray for you for adopting from a shelter!! :)

  3. Ah... may he bring you many days of joy with his playful spirit!

