
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Our New Home

In December we moved into our new home (this is the only picture I have at present, but I will take more and post them soon).

It is the very first time we have lived out in the country, and I love it so very much! These are the barns on our 5 acres. We have 10 outbuildings on the property.

To see the sunset behind the trees from the front porch is so refreshing. It is a wonderful reminder of God's majesty and splendor!

When I walk out into the field each day, I see dozens of deer impressions, but I haven't actually seen the deer yet!

My dog, Frodo, loves it too! So many new smells, it must be overwhelming :)


  1. Hello Stephanie!

    It was so good to 'hear' from you! Y'all's new home is really, really beautiful. I love. love. the red barn!! :D Isn't country life wonderful!?

    Looking forward to more wonderful posts. It is so nice to be able to keep in touch with other Christians between seeing them again. It was so nice meeting you. Hopefully we can see you again soon!

    God bless you!


    Adeline Morton

    p.s. Your playlist is gorgeous!

  2. You are so lucky, your home and property are gorgeous, and that porch looks so inviting! There's so much space to be free and enjoy nature. I hope to live somewhere like that one day.
